Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 42: Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog & Dogma

Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog

Whose Movie: Steph's
Rating: A PhD in HORRIBLENESS (Not really horrible, AWESOME)

This "movie" technically isn't a movie, but our DVD collection is divided into two sections: TV Shows and Movies.  If it's not a serialized TV program, it gets filed with the movies.  So that is why every once in a while our collection will pop up something like Dr. Horrible.  This is what made me fall in love with NPH.  I mean, I was already a fan, and I loved him on HIMYM, but this what made me fall in love with him.  Everything about this web-movie screamed awesome. Joss Whedon, the man who created the best show ever, Buffy, wrote and directed this. NPH starred in it.  The music was awesome. The acting amazing.  The ending made me cry, what more could you want in a movie??


Whose Movie: Mutual Buy

Rating: Very Well Made Movie

Lately I've been watching things where the writer/director *cough*AllanBall*cough* will slap the audience in the face like they're stupid. They TELL instead of SHOW like any writer has been told in writing 101.  Kevin Smith, is just the opposite.  He assumes the audience is intelligent and doesn't feel the need to beat them over the head with his writing.  This movie is VERY well done.  Smith does a great job at SHOWING the audience things rather than spelling things out.  This movie is FULL of great actors and actresses.  Our second Alan Rickman film! (Too bad we own ZERO Harry Potters at this time, or there would be TONS more) In summary, the film making is great, the writing is great and the acting was awesome!  Great movie all around.  

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